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EA's Gibeau: "I have not green lit one game to be developed as a single-player experience"

"Proud" of "24/7/365" offering for gamers.

Publisher EA has detailed the company's focus on growing social and mobile functions in gaming by highlighting its lack of single-player games in development.

EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau said he was "proud" of the way EA has adapted.

"We are very proud of the way EA evolved with consumers. ," Gibeau explained in a document for the forthcoming Cloud Gaming USA Conference & Exhibition (thanks, Superannuation), due to be held later this month.

"Today, all of our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7/365.

"FIFA is a perfect example - available across 12 different platforms, FIFA fans can check their standings on their mobile device or tablet, manipulate their teams on Facebook or play an immersive game of FIFA on their PC or console. Everything is connected so the user can pick up just where they left off from anywhere."

This connectivity is just the beginning, Gibeau added, with other major EA franchises soon to get similar treatment.

"We're deploying similar experiences in our other popular brands over the next year including Madden, Battlefield and SimCity and you'll continue to see more and more of this from EA."

Previously single-player EA franchises such as Mass Effect have recently added multiplayer components. Mass Effect 3 allowed users to interact with the main game via an iPhone and Android app.

Claustrophobic horror series Dead Space will offer an optional co-op mode for the first time in Dead Space 3. There's also been rumblings that Dragon Age 3 will include some kind of multiplayer component, too.

Dead Space 3.

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