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EA exploring making Battlefield 4 and Dragon Age 3 engine Frostbite 2 work with Oculus Rift

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EA is exploring the possibility of making Battlefield 4 and Dragon Age 3 engine Frostbite 2 work with the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift.

After a forum member at MTBS3D discovered an EA request for a student researcher to look into VR tech in games, referencing the Oculus Rift, EA confirmed plans to check compatibility with the DICE-made Frostbite engine, which the publisher is using to build many of its upcoming games, including Battlefield 4 and Dragon Age 3.

"I am really eager to see how the Oculus Rift works with Frostbite," head of the Frostbite creative team at DICE Frank Vitz said.

"There are multiple titles in the works that would be awesome with the Rift."

He continued: "It should be awesome. BF3 in S3D works great and our current version of the engine has all of that support still. I have one of the first Rift dev kits coming my way in March. We have an internal community eager to work on it... I know of at least four kits on order."

Rather than EA issuing a mandate for implementation, each game team will be responsible for making their experiences work with the Oculus Rift, Vitz said. It's not a case of getting it working, rather, it's about getting it working well.

No promises, then, but basic implementation should be "pretty straightforward," Vitz said, so fingers crossed.

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