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Dreadnought launches open beta on PS4

Spaceship shape.

Dreadnought goes into open beta on PlayStation 4 today.

Dreadnought is a class-based competitive multiplayer game featuring big spaceships. Think Team Fortress meets Battlestar Galactica. The video below gives you an idea of how it plays.

Watch on YouTube

Developer Yager, which also made Spec Ops: The Line and the cancelled Dead Island 2, said it's added a friends list that lets you see all your PSN friends who play Dreadnought and easily add them. You can also create a squad, which lets you fight with two of your friends.

There's a PC version, but Yager said there are no plans for cross-platform play. So, purchases (Dreadnought is free-to-download), progress, matchmaking and your friend list are all exclusive to your platform of choice.

All PS4 players get the Hactar Hero Ship for free. Here's the official blurb: "The Hactar is no rookie vessel. It's a menacing, Tier-IV Tactical Cruiser with a screaming head at its bow-and plenty of offensive firepower."

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