Dragons and Dark Iron dwarves hit Hearthstone with the Blackrock Mountain Adventure
UPDATE: First five cards revealed.

Blizzard has unveiled the Blackrock Mountain Adventure for virtual card game Hearthstone.
Blackrock Mountain will be familiar to World of Warcraft players. It's the lair of Ragnaros, one of the iconic WOW bosses and a Legendary class card in Hearthstone.
The Blackrock Mountain Adventure includes a new board, five wings, 17 bosses and 31 new cards (five have been revealed). The first wing is Blackrock Depths, home to the Dark Iron dwarves - the first line of defense for Ragnaros. The second wing is The Molten Core.

New cards revolve around Dark Iron dwarves and Dragons. The Battlecry of five mana cost Rogue card Dark Iron Skulker, for example, backstabs every enemy minion on the board. The Blackwing Technician is buffed if you have a dragon in your hand. Blizzard expects players will construct Dragon and Dwarf-themed decks upon the expansion's release.
One of the more eye-catching cards shown off during a presentation at PAX East was Rend Blackhand. Here's his Battlecry: "If you're holding a Dragon, destroy a Legendary minion." That's a table-turner if ever I saw one.
The Blackrock Mountain Adventure is due out this April for PC, Mac Android tablets and iPad. Like previous adventure Curse of Naxxramas, it will be sold for either 700 in-game gold per wing or $6.99 per wing. You can grab the entire Adventure for $24.99. Blackrock Mountain will open up one wing per week over the course of a month.

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