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Dragon Quest VI release in doubt

UPDATED: Square insists "no cancellation".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

UPDATE: Square Enix has offered a clarification on its European Twitter feed. A new post reads, "About DQVI, there are [sic] just no news. No confirmation, no cancellation. Please be patient and bear with us!"

ORIGINAL STORY: Maxed-out Dragon Quest IX and looking for another serving of handheld RPG questing? Don't hold your breath – Square Enix has seemingly ditched plans for a European release of its Dragon Quest VI remake.

Responding to a request for news on the title on its Twitter feed, a spokesperson for Square Enix Europe wrote, "Not on the cards right now – sorry!"

When it was first announced in 2008, Square promised the game would be coming to the the US and Europe.

The remake of the sixth game in the series – the only one never to see a Western release – came out in Japan in January this year.

It's a strange decision – the excellent Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, released earlier this year, has sold very respectably outside of Japan.

We've put in a request with Square Enix's US branch to see if it sees things differently.

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