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Don't expect to see Crackdown, Quantum Break or Scalebound at E3

Spencer: "There simply isn't enough time."

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has warned fans not to expect anything new on Crackdown, Quantum Break or Scalebound at E3 2015 next week.

All three games are big Xbox One exclusives but have been shunted out of Microsoft's E3 line-up due to the amount of other titles that the company has to showcase.

The trio will instead be featured heavily at Gamescom in August.

"Having a jam-packed lineup of games to show at E3 means that there simply isn't enough time to give each of our upcoming titles its well-deserved time in the spotlight," Spencer explained last night in a new blog post.

"We've decided to save some of our most eagerly-awaited future titles for Gamescom in August. Rest assured that titles like Crackdown, Quantum Break and Scalebound will be front and centre at Gamescom along with new game reveals for both Xbox One and Windows 10."

We haven't seen anything more of Scalebound since this time last year - it was first announced back at E3 2014 - and will likely launch in 2016 at the earliest.

Quantum Break and Crackdown are 2016 titles also, and it is likely that Microsoft will use E3 to focus on games scheduled for a little closer to home - Forza 6, Halo 5: Guardians, Fable Legends and the timed-exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider.

We also expect to see Microsoft's leaked Gears of War remaster and finally get a peek at Rare's next game, among other surprises. And, really, August isn't so long to wait.

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