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Donate to Philippines relief campaign and EVE devs will do ridiculous things

UPDATE: EVE community raises over £100,000.

UPDATE: The EVE Online community has raised a whopping $190,890 (£116,431) of donations for Philippines typhoon relief.

The funding drive culminated in an eight hour livecast featuring members of the EVE development team doing silly things - shaving each other, getting tattoos - as the money rolled in.

"We often talk about how EVE is 'real', a simulation of humanity where there are few rules and all the economic, political and social forces of human nature push the boundaries of morality in all directions," EVE boss Hilmar Veigar Petursson explained.

"We've seen the passionate side of our players over the past decade, but truly nothing could prepare us for this level of generosity from them. It is humbling. It is beautiful. It is what EVE is really about."

One developer had promised to be shot by a paintball for every $2000 raised - which would mean he now needs 95 paintball shots to cover the full amount. Well done that man.

ORIGINAL STORY: Developers at EVE studio CCP Games have promised to get shot by paintballs, get tattoos and wax their bodies to help their company's charity drive.

The team is currently raising money for victims of the Typhoon Haiyan that devastated parts of the Philippines. EVE players have already raised $43,000 (just over £26,500) for the campaign.

"For every $2000 raised, CCP Dolan will be shot with a paintball," the full list of pledges reveals.

"If we reach $60,000, CCP Guard will spar against an Icelandic Tae Kwon Do medalist."

The funding drive will culminate next weekend in a charity livestream on CCP's Twitch channel, scheduled for 1-9pm UK time on 7th December.

Developers will play EVE and PlayStation 3 spin-off Dust 514, show off a sampling of Icelandic cuisine and engage in "developer duels" - Knockout style punch-ups with huge boxing gloves.

EVE subscribers can donate the value of their PLEX (the Pilot's License EXtension, basically in-game time) through the game itself. CCP is also looking at an option to donate directly to the Icelandic Red Cross via PayPal during the stream.

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