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When Hyrule the World.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Difficulty setting: Easy, Normal, Apocalyptic? Darksiders is having fun with the end of the world, rebranding the four horsemen so that they sound like American Gladiators (tempted by the sound of Strife and Fury? They're both totally killer at Powerball), pillaging its favourite pieces of God of War and - yay! - Zelda, and lavishing the whole thing with Joe Madureira's hulking comic book art. If the combined id of antisocial teenage nerds the world over ever vomits up a game, it's going to look a lot like this.

Previous demos have provided vertical slices of the action - Tom even made a joke about vertical slicing in a game where you spend so much time cutting things to ribbons, because he is clever and funny - but with a chance to sit down with nearly finished code and play through from the beginning, we're finally getting a chance to see how it all comes together. This is a glimpse of the beginning of the end, then, but if the sequel that's already being hinted at ever emerges, you can console yourself that it's a glimpse of the beginning of the end of the beginning.

And it begins in an approximation of New York, by the looks of it: a regular enough day on good ol' Fifth Avenue, before the sky is split into a million flaming pieces by a blistering shower of falling meteors and all of a sudden the streets are thick with brawling demi-gods, lobbing cars about like Transformers and generally swaggering around in their dazzlingly colourful armour.

Here comes one now: a gigantic, bruise-coloured many-fanged monster, idly drumming his fingers on a bus, dwarfing the game's protagonist War - one of the Horsemen who needed no rebranding - who's no beanpole himself. 'Press B to attack', suggests the onscreen prompt, rather meekly, as drums beat and choirs shriek at the horror of it all. That sounds like quite a good idea, all things considered.

Enemy designs are great throughout. Everything is itching to be rendered in Hasbro plastic.

Here's another good idea: left trigger targeting, allowing you to unfold a blistering range of moves on a single unfortunate. Tom's spoken at length about the frightening depth of the combat, so I'll just focus instead on the fact that it feels really good: blades bite, sparks fly, you can fling Escalades about to cream people with, and huge monsters topple before you as you block and sidestep.

The colours are sharp and the lines are clear and bright, and the frame-rate rarely dips, too, which all adds to the power of the spectacle. When things get really nasty - when the bosses drop in - you can even squeeze a few triggers and bumpers to activate Chaos Form, in which you become a flaming giant, capable of bringing down ludicrous amounts of damage on anyone who gets in your way. (In true Metroid style, Vigil Games, the developer, snatches this little toy away from you pretty sharpish once the story gets going.) So yes, fighting is pretty entertaining stuff in Darksiders.

And that's brilliant news, as there's an awful lot of it. When the first battles give way to a few cut-scenes, and after, amongst other things, we've followed a giant rune-encrusted colossus as it strides down a boulevard, Darksiders shifts gears to a more adventury pace as Demonic Growth - a kind of urban eczema that can be climbed - erupts from the ground sending you into the ruined buildings around you and giving you proper options to explore.