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Chime heading to PC in September

Valve's "Still Alive" added to soundtrack.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

OneBigGame has announced that music-based puzzle game Chime will be released for PC via Steam on 6th September.

The PC version is also set to receive an exclusive bonus - the "Still Alive" song from the soundtrack to Valve's Portal.

Chime was developed by Zoe Mode and a percentage of proceeds go to OneBigGame's charity partners Starlight Children's Foundation and Save the Children.

"Valve's generous donation of Portal's classic 'Still Alive' is another great bonus for which we're very grateful," said OneBigGame's Martin de Ronde.

"The PC version of the game features all the great tracks from the original version and now also offers fans of Chime and fans of the original Portal soundtrack the opportunity to sample this song in Chime's unique remixing game mechanics."

The objective in Chime is to place tiles so they create solid oblong blocks called Quads, which earn points. Like Lumines, there's a short period after you make a Quad in which you can add additional blocks to it to increase its size and points haul.

Quads are then converted into Coverage, which means they stay on the screen for the rest of your session. You can still build over areas that have been converted into Coverage - the idea is that you should have covered every square of the board at least once by the end.

Check out our Xbox Live Arcade Chime review for more details, or watch the PC announcement trailer below.

Doing it for the kids.

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