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CCP to review Fanfest content after harassment controversy

"We need to revise how we showcase the culture of Eve."

Following the expulsion of the newly re-elected chairman from Eve's Council of Stellar Management, developer CCP is investigating how content is presented at future Fanfest events.

A statement was issued late yesterday evening and is reproduced below.

"Following internal discussions after everyone has returned to their offices from Fanfest, it is clear that we, CCP, need to revise the scope of the Alliance Panel for Fanfest 2013 because, frankly, Eve Online has grown to a maturation point where such behavior and such a forum are not appropriate. A 'frat house' type presentation style may have been well-matched for a younger Eve Online, when there was a smaller community roaming the stars.

"In fact we, CCP, have long enjoyed a reputation for being extremely tolerant of our playerbase. It's a unique relationship where the culture of the company and the culture of the players have many overlaps. We typically appreciate the same 'internet humour'. We can laugh at ourselves and enjoy exchanging satire, puns, sarcasm etc.

"We constantly celebrate the 'culture' of Eve Online in many different venues, which do often involve inappropriate language. We will continue to do so.

This Alliance Panel went too far even for our very open-minded standards. Beyond even our tolerance level.

"Yet out of control drunkenness and calls for harassment have no places in such a culture. This Alliance Panel went too far even for our very open-minded standards. Beyond even our tolerance level.

"It was a mistake to hold the Alliance Panel in the way we did-and while it was somewhat 'in the spirit' of Eve's sandbox gamestyle, the session was not representative of CCP nor Eve nor the playerbase as a whole. Given that we did not have a time-buffer on the video feed, we were unable to react in time to the Q&A comments.

"Should we choose to hold an Alliance Panel next year, we will still aim for comedic player-agency over the content, but will be very careful to create a different setting for the event.

"This speaks to a larger point. We need to revise how we showcase the culture of Eve. It was clear in some comments from attendees and internet observers that while Fanfest was a massive success there are aspects of it that we can improve upon even more.

Time for us to grow up a bit.

"This solemn effort has already begun. Time for us to grow up a bit.

"'Internet spaceships' are often called 'serious business', but increasingly they actually are serious business. It is moments like this that remind us that there are people beyond the characters we encounter and everyone in the Eve universe should always treat other players with a base human level of respect and decency-whether enemies or not. We would be remiss not to use this as a chance to revise our event and communication strategies.

"CCP and the community of Eve Online need to understand this, and we, CCP, will be taking serious steps towards fostering a better environment at our panels and beyond.


CCP Navigator (EVE Online Community Manager)

CCP Darth Beta (Director of EVE Marketing)"

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