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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's new map has a rat problem

Shock and gnaw.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare added a new map with this week's mid-season update - and it's got a rat problem.

Exploding rats, that is.

The Cheshire Park map, a classic three-lane map set in a lovely part of London, has a cool Easter egg it didn't take the Call of Duty community long to find at all.


In the middle of the map there's a statue of the Pied Piper, the titular character of the German legend.

The Pied Piper can mean only one thing: rats!

It turns out the map has five mouse traps scattered around the place, seemingly at random. Only one spawns at a time, so you have to shoot one trap to make the next spawn. Shoot all five and a piece of cheese spawns at the location of the last trap. Pick that up.

The game then spawns a wheel of cheese, again in a random location. Hunt that down and pick it up.

Take the cheese back to the Pied Piper and offer it to the statue, via button prompt. I know, I know, I camembert this, either.

The traps and cheese seemingly spawns at random. Cheddar get looking.

Once you've placed the cheese wheel beneath the statue, the Pied Piper will blow out a tune of bubbles, summoning an army of rats. These rats then explode in a colourful cacophony of confetti. Gouda job, soldier!

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Modern Warfare bills itself as a super serious military shooter, but since launch it's let its hair down with some silly character and weapon skins and plenty of fun Easter eggs. This one, though - this one's brielliant.

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