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Call of Duty streamer gets ridiculous Gulag win using drum kit

Cymbalic victory.

After someone managed to play their way through Minecraft and slay the Ender Dragon using a piano keyboard, I thought I'd seen it all, yet we have another entry in the instruments-as-controllers category - and it's rather spectacular.

As posted to the Modern Warfare subreddit, streamer DeanoBeano managed to get a kill with a sniper rifle using a real drum kit. Limited to hitting only two controls at once, with each drum and cymbal bound to a specific function, DeanoBeano managed to painstakingly line up a shot before acing the timing on the last beat. The cymbal crash at the end really adds something, I think.

I got a kill on the drums LOL from r/modernwarfare

That kill in itself was remarkable enough, but DeanoBeano then took things a step further and managed to get a Gulag win using the drums. Thankfully, he was able to position himself on the correct side of the Gulag and managed to sneakily get the drop on his opponent.

While the successful clips are certainly impressive, it seems getting to that point took a great deal of trial and error - and you can watch the whole process on DeanoBeano's Twitch channel, which tells the full story of his learning curve. Talk about a crash course.

But after achieving a kill and a Gulag win, what's on the cards next?

"If I get a Warzone win, I would lose my mind," DeanoBeano said on a recent stream. "I'd have to get a really good squad with me, but that's something I'd like to at least try - I think it would be hilarious."

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