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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has a cool intro to multiplayer matches

Coming in hot.

I've always been a fan of first-person shooter multiplayer matches that feature cool intros. I love the way you leap out of a carrier to start the fight in Respawn's Titanfall 2. Call of Duty: WW2's intro for the wonderful War mode, which sees soldiers sat next to each other as they're driven into the battlefield, gets the blood pumping. And Destiny 2's Gambit mode has a deliciously troll-fuelled intro, which sees each team face each other, free to spam emotes before and after each round.

Now, add Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to the list of shooters with cool multiplayer intros.

In a brief video published to Twitter, Activision revealed how multiplayer matches start in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. In the example shown, the players are flown in via chopper onto the landing zone and, without a break in the shot, hit the ground with weapons up. The countdown is up and the match starts.

It's a cool, seamless transition that gives you an overview of the map and time to get yourself set. And it's unusual for Call of Duty multiplayer, which typically employs a countdown before soldiers who are standing still on the map get running.

My fingers are crossed for unique intros for each map. I'd love to see an intro in which the soldiers emerge from underwater into the fight, or maybe parachute in. Lots of potential there.

Activision will properly reveal Modern Warfare's standard competitive multiplayer on 1st August. So far, it's looking good, although questions remain about the campaign.

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