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Cage: Heavy Rain did the business

Has passed worldwide sales of 1.5 million.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Quantic Dream's David Cage has insisted his critically acclaimed PS3-exclusive Heavy Rain has done the business despite neither he or Sony expecting it to.

The game has sold 1.5 million copies worldwide to date, Cage told a packed session at GDC Europe (reported by

And that figure's climbing.

"Heavy Rain is a commercial success and that's not something Sony or Quantic Dream expected, to be honest," Cage said.

Heavy Rain sold 600,000 copies in its first two weeks on sale, and four-times the predicted amount in the US market.

Cage hopes to reach two million sales soon.

"You need to be clear with your publisher," Cage added.

"It was a game that came together very late. If I showed you the alpha [build] you would kill the game. It looked ugly.

"Many publishers would have killed it. The game comes together very late and you need to communicate with your publisher because he doesn't have any reference.

"Publishers in general don't have balls. You need to come with a new idea and give them reason to trust you.

"Stop making games for kids. Adult is a huge, untapped market - there is almost nothing for adults, I'm not talking about casual or family games. There is a real market based on sophisticated values. See yourself as a creator, not a toy-maker. Ignore the rules."

We loved Heavy Rain, awarding it a deserved 9/10 review in February.

It's being reworked to use PlayStation Move controls, and the updated version will be released later this year.

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