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Blizzard's long-lost StarCraft: Ghost turns up again in fresh footage

Take a Nova look.

Newly-published footage of the unreleased StarCraft: Ghost has appeared online, more than a decade after the project was canned.

Ghost was set to be a third-person shooter spin-off from Blizzard's blockbuster RTS franchise, for release on GameCube, PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox.

According to a Twitter user who contacted Kotaku, the leak comes from a work-in-progress build installed to an Xbox 360 developer kit.

Several videos have already been taken offline, though at least one remains. Main character Nova can be seen shooting aliens, looting of dead bodies, reading mission logs and jumping around the game's chunky environments.

A list of missions includes a level titled "Zergling Rush", a reference to StarCraft's most famous meme.

Developed by Blizzard and Nihilistic Software, it suffered numerous delays after being announced in 2002. Eurogamer saw StarCraft Ghost twice: Kristan Reed previewed the game in 2003, and Kieron Gillen played the game in 2005. But, in 2006, Blizzard decided to "indefinitely postpone production". Blizzard's Mike Morhaime later blamed the cancellation on Blizzard moving resources to World of Warcraft when the latter "exploded".

Here's how it would have looked:

Watch on YouTube

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