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Blizzard to host another Diablo 4 Campfire Chat covering Patch 1.1.1

Big Mother.

Blizzard has announced another Campfire Chat, this time to discuss Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1.
Image credit: Blizzard

Blizzard has announced another Campfire Chat, this time to discuss Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1.

The upcoming patch's content will include class balance changes - something that has previously caused dismay among the Diablo 4 community - as well as various quality of life updates, and "more".

The chat will be hosted by game director Joe Shely, among others, and will also include a community Q&A session at the end of the stream. This will allow players to field any remaining questions they may have about the game directly to the team.

This Campfire Chat will be hosted live tomorrow, 28th July, at 11am PDT (so, 7pm BST), across the official Diablo Twitch and YouTube channels.

Diablo 4's Season of the Malignant is now live
Diablo 4's Season of the Malignant is now live. | Image credit: Blizzard

Blizzard held a similar Campfire Chat last weekend, after its hefty season one update went down badly with Diablo 4 players.

During this chat, the developer said it understood why its player base was frustrated with the update, promising it didn't "plan on doing a patch like this ever again".

Key members of the Diablo 4 team said they "acknowledge everyone's feedback". The developer said whilst the goal with this update was to slow down players "blasting through the content", the nerfs had the opposite effect of what the team had intended, which had been to "make the game more fun for players".

"We want to acknowledge everyone's feedback in regard to reducing player power," Blizzard's Adam Fletcher said at the time, adding: "We know it is bad. We know it is not fun..."

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