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Blacklight: Tango Down gets PSN date

Plus, XBLA version sells a million.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Blacklight: Tango Down will launch on PlayStation Network on 3rd November, publisher UTV Ignition Entertainment has announced.

Zombie Studios' downloadable FPS has been available on Xbox Live Arcade since July and now PlayStation 3 gamers can get in on the act for £9.99.

There's some PSN-exclusive content promised for the release, including a Join-in-Progress option, which allows players to team up with friends and enter matches without having to wait for an intermission.

UTV Ignition has also revealed that the game topped one million downloads over the summer. An impressive feat, considering Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead only deemed it worthy of 5/10.

Maybe the impending sequel will fare better.

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