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BioWare: SWTOR players average 4-6 hours per session

"Their sessions are absurd," says Zeschuk.

The average play session for Star Wars: The Old Republic is between four and six hours long, claims BioWare Austin chief Greg Zeschuk.

Speaking in an interview with Kotaku, Zeschuk insisted that once gamers log in they're finding it hard to stop playing.

"When they play, their sessions are absurd," he said, citing concrete telemetry data.

"What it implies is that we've managed to pull off this 'just-one-more-quest, just-one-more-thing' feeling. I find myself doing that all the time. I just get sucked back in. The playing of the game is off the charts."

He added that Sunday is the busiest play day of the week, while on a weekday, "our average peak play time is mid-afternoon, because East Coast is getting off work, Europe is off work and in their peak, and as Europe goes down, North America goes up."

"The other thing that's really funny is you can tell when things are going really well in the game because the amount of forum chatter drops. People don't go to forums. They just play."

Last month, publisher EA announced that the MMO has picked up nearly 2 million active subscribers since its December launch.

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