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Bethesda E3 2017 live report

Skyrims! Wolfensteins! Evils Withins! All the action as it happened.

That, then, was Bethesda - 30 minutes that made you wonder if the publisher really has enough games to warrant a conference of its own. Still, away from the recaps of existing games and drawn out CG trailers there was the highlight of E3 so far, Machine Games' phenomenal looking Wolfenstein 2 - and it's out later this year. This is how it unfolded.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Good morning! The birds are chirping, my eyes sting and the sun isn't up. How are you all faring? Have you stayed up?

Robert Purchese

Good shouts for Bethesda's conference include The Evil Within 2...

Robert Purchese

Wolfenstein 2, Fallout VR and maybe oh maybe we'll get some confirmation about Skyrim Switch.

Robert Purchese

Dare we dream for a sniff - a mere waft - of The Elder Scrolls 6? Remember, Bethesda unveiled Fallout 4 and six months later released it. I'm not sure it's ready to do the same again with TES6 today.

Robert Purchese

Mr_Understanding: Birds are making funny noises outside my window

I'm not sure why they feel the need to shout that they've woken up before everyone else, to be honest.

Robert Purchese

megatronix: Elder Scrolls 9!!!

Coming to you holiday 2032!

Robert Purchese

Kami: Or a port of WET to the Switch.


Robert Purchese

liquidsoap89: It's not too early to hope for something from id is it?

Quake Champions...

Robert Purchese

Well gooooood morning.

Martin Robinson

And a hearty salute to each and every one of you that's got up for this.

Martin Robinson

And one to myself too for rolling over and picking up my laptop in this Ibis I'm staying in in Brighton.

Martin Robinson

I only hit snooze on my phone once.

Martin Robinson

Ashkorsair: goodmorning martin. any wishes for this show?

That it ends in like five minutes so I can go back to sleep.

Martin Robinson

Anyway it'll be Wolfenstein, The Evil Within 2 and Skyrim plus maybe Fallout VR.

Martin Robinson

If Rogue Warrior Remastered was here you'd hear my screams of excitement wherever you are. Still the only Bethesda game of recent years that's got my pulse racing.

Martin Robinson

We start with a montage that's attempting to make the people at Bethesda seem a little more human.

Martin Robinson

I just saw a Battlecry logo! That game was canned, obviously, but the studio lives on.

Martin Robinson

And heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Pete Hines.

Martin Robinson

The crowd lets out a shriek of what I can only describe as sheer terror as he comes out on stage.

Martin Robinson

Actually maybe they're just screaming at that shirt.

Martin Robinson

What on earth is going on with that?

Martin Robinson

Pete, do a twirl so we can see it in all its horror.

Martin Robinson

They've hired the shrieking goons again.

Martin Robinson

And they're leading with VR.

Martin Robinson

Shall I just go back to sleep?

Martin Robinson

First up is Doom on Vive.

Martin Robinson

And now Fallout 4 VR, which again was announced a while ago. It's also still a thing!

Martin Robinson

From two games that we knew existed to The Elder Scrolls Online.

Martin Robinson

Which has been doing the rounds as a tech demo for a while. It's a thing!

Martin Robinson

Apologies, Doom VR wasn't announced as a full game, but a tech demo has been doing the rounds for a while.

Martin Robinson

Both those VR titles coming out this year.

Martin Robinson

Elder Scrolls Online is still being highlighted.

Martin Robinson

This is Return to Morrowind, which is out now.

Martin Robinson

Apologies if you woke up for this!

Martin Robinson

My tired brain only just got what 'VFR' means in Doom VFR. That's tickled me a little.

Martin Robinson

(The 'F' is a naughty word).

Martin Robinson

Now here's that card game!

Martin Robinson

Before that we had the announcement of Bethesda's Creation Club, which is alarming some people as it sounds like it could be paid mods.

Martin Robinson

Details of that are thin at the moment - we're trying to find out exactly what it means.

Martin Robinson

Skyrim on Switch!

Martin Robinson

It has Amiibo support, with Zelda amiibos - lol at actually being able to find one of them - unlocking character costumes.

Martin Robinson

Also motion control support, it looks like.

Martin Robinson

Dishonored 2 DLC announce klaxon.

Martin Robinson

Death of the Outsider, and it's out on September 15th.

Martin Robinson

Quake Champions, which by all accounts is quite splendid, gets its moment in the spotlight.

Martin Robinson

I'm still reeling from Pete Hines' shirt though tbh.

Martin Robinson

And now, finally, a new, new game.

Martin Robinson

Which looks very much like The Evil Within 2.

Martin Robinson

It's more Mikami, which can only be a good thing.

Martin Robinson

valentynlyevyentsov: So, Iºm guessing that there can be no TES 6 this year, judging by the subdued presentation... (to dodge calling it boring)

Absolutely no chance of that. I don't think we're expecting it for a few years yet!

Martin Robinson

A CG trailer with a slow-burn cover of an old song. And a slow clap from me.

Martin Robinson

Get in the sea.

Martin Robinson

Finally here's some gameplay. It looks pretty sublime, though we only get a brief look.

Martin Robinson

And it's out soon! Friday October 13th - seems like Bethesda's keen on the short marketing cycle after it worked so well for Fallout 4.

Martin Robinson

Sweet relief, this is only 30 minutes long. I imagine we're ending on Wolfenstein.

Martin Robinson

Will we get to see the game itself though?

Martin Robinson

Ah yes, here we go.

Martin Robinson

It takes the stylised alternate history of Machine Games' last Wolfenstein to a new extreme as we see Americana lorded over by strawberry milkshake-drinking Nazis.

Martin Robinson

This looks alright.

Martin Robinson

And now some proper gameplay. You shoot people, obviously, but it all looks terribly cool as you do so.

Martin Robinson

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.

Martin Robinson

27th October.

Martin Robinson

Pete Hines back onstage, doing a swear because Bethesda are edgy like that.

Martin Robinson

The new Wolfenstein is probably the highlight of the show so far for me, though. It does look like something else.

Martin Robinson

All those games will be out this year.

Martin Robinson

A small cherry on an otherwise fairly dismal cake. That's a lot of money to spend for them to show everyone some trailers.

Martin Robinson

You can all go back to bed now.

Martin Robinson

To recap: VR, MMO, card game, paid for mods (we think) and DLC.

Martin Robinson

But to cap it off The Evil Within 2 and the excellent looking Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, both of which will be playable before the year's end.

Martin Robinson

So not too bad, really. I think I'm just tired and grouchy.

Martin Robinson

Quite a wait until the next conference, with Ubisoft at 9pm tonight before Sony does its thing at 2am. Hope to see you there!

Martin Robinson

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