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BattleBlock Theater dated for early April on XBLA... really

Behemoth's long-delayed follow-up to Castle Crashers to cost 1200 MSP.

Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid developer Behemoth has finally revealed 3rd April as the release date for its long-delayed XBLA multiplayer party game BattleBlock Theater.

It will be priced at 1200 MS Point.

BattleBlock Theater was originally scheduled to come out in 2010. After an initial delay into 2011 it disappeared off the radar for awhile while Behemoth polished it up. It now contains "technologically evil cats, friendship, betrayal, co-optional justice, and several other forms of visual and audible stimulation."

Rich Stanton previewed BattleBlock Theater back in summer of 2011 where he came away underwhelmed, but that was then and this is now. Get a glimpse at the final product in its release date trailer below.

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