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Assassin's Creed 3 sells over 7 million units

Ubisoft's fastest-selling game to date. We've spent 82 centuries of gaming time playing it.

Assassin's Creed 3 has sold a whopping 7 million units since it launched at the tail end of October, Ubisoft has announced. This makes it the publisher's fastest selling game ever.

Some of these folks are on money. Assassin's Creed 3 made quite a lot of that.

Half of these sales were made during the game's first week on store shelves, as it had sold a whopping 3.5 million only seven days after its release.

Ubisoft also noted some amusing statistic like people have spent a cumulative total of 82 centuries of gaming time in the single player alone, where they've committed more than 3 billion assassinations. The publisher also noted that more than twice as many players have joined the multiplayer mode relative to that of last year's Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Over 250 million assassinations have been performed in over 5 billion multiplayer sessions.

I think this is supposed to outline how successful the company is, but do these colossal statistics make anyone else feel a little guilty about their gaming time? Like maybe we could have used that time to, oh, I don't know, cure cancer or something?

Ubisoft is pleased as bunch with these figures, though, as they should be. Remember, the Assassin's Creed series only started this generation, so it's pretty impressive to pump out annual sequels every year that sell this well. Especially when one considers that the first two titles were single-player only affairs, so it's not exactly a level comparison to something like the Call of Duty series.

“We are delighted with the performance of Assassin's Creed 3 this Christmas,” said Ubisoft UK managing director Rob Cooper. “This is a beautiful and epic game of exceptional quality and we're pleased that our fans have responded so well to the brand new universe, storyline and game experience.”

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