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Age of Conan beta key giveaway

Eurogamer exclusive UK partner.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Eurogamer, Eidos and Funcom are proud to announce that this website is the only place in the UK that will offer you a secure place in the Age of Conan beta test, which is due to start in late spring.

All you have to do stand a chance of being one of 100 people chosen to take part is to sign-up over on our exclusive beta key giveaway page. You don't even have to answer one of Tom's ridiculous questions, it's that easy

Then, if you're one of the lucky winners, Funcom will be in touch and let you know. Fingers crossed.

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is an MMORPG set in the exotic world of Hyboria, stomping ground to the famous fantasy-figure Conan. It aims to bring a mature and brutal world before you, allowing you to decapitate and dismember your foes using a pioneering combat system - that will let you use combos and fatality moves in an action-based fashion.

You'll also be able to take part in massive battles, as hundreds of players clash in epic blood baths for castles and land, mounted on horseback or operating siege weaponry. You can even build your own city, possibly making a little Eurogamer shop where you can hurl rotten fruit at innocent passers-by.

"We're extremely proud of Age of Conan, and we can't wait to let the world play it," said Trond Arne Aas, CEO of developer Funcom. "This is quite possibly the most incredible online experience ever created."

"Bringing the game into external beta is a huge milestone for us. We can't wait to see the lands of Hyboria flooded with players from all over the world, and we'll be looking forward to their feedback in the months to come."

The game's been in development at Funcom for four years now, and it's taken a team of 150 people to get it this far. The beta will start this spring, and will progressively introduce more people into the world throughout summer and autumn.

The full game is due out on PC on 30th October, and Xbox 360 sometime in 2008.

Head over to our Age of Conan gallery to cast your adventurer's eye over our new and exclusive screenshots.

Alternatively quest your way to the Age of Conan website for more information.

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