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World of Warcraft goat raises $1.9m for Red Cross Ebola fund

No kidding.

World of Warcraft maker Blizzard has raised more than $1.9m (£1.25m) for the Red Cross Ebola relief fund.

The developer earned the cash by selling Argi, an intergalactic goat pet, which you could adopt for $10.

A hundred per cent of that $10 was then donated to the Red Cross.

Pay up the fee and you get an Argi for every present and future WOW character that you might have tied to your account.

"Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of World of Warcraft players around the world who purchased the Argi pet, we've raised a total of more than 1.9 million USD to support the ongoing Ebola relief efforts in Africa by the Red Cross," Blizzard wrote.

"In December, we announced that for every Argi purchased by December 31, 2014, 100% of the adoption fee would be going to assist in aiding in the fight against this deadly disease - and the community embraced this cute little intergalactic nibbler, helping out a great cause in the process. Thanks again to everyone who helped make a difference."

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