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Volume is getting a free PlayStation VR expansion

It's called Coda. Here's how it looks.

Mike Bithelll's stealthy cyberpunk adventure Volume is getting a free PlayStation VR expansion called Coda.

It adds 30 new levels along with an all new story and protagonist.

One neat addition to this VR expansion is the ability to scale and rotate the board. "You can make swoosh sounds if you want to while doing so," Bithell told Eurogamer. "No expense spared."

The following announcement teaser offers glimpse of how this isometric hacking game looks in VR as the player hovers over the playing field.

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Eurogamer contributor Dan Whitehead recommended Volume upon its launch last summer on PS4, PC and Mac. It's since come to Vita as well.

"Volume isn't short of great ideas, but it delivers them gracefully, one at a time, layering simple concepts on top of solid mechanics to create the sort of organic gameplay experience that seems effortless," Whitehead wrote in his glowing Volume review.

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