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Video: The journey of a cosplayer, part two

Severed limbs in special effects house Artem.

Last episode, we met prominent UK cosplayer Laura Sindall as she started making her costume for EGX London. That was in June. Now, in episode two, it's early September, and she's been busy.

She's been in Paris at a huge cosplay show dressed as Black Widow from the Marvel Avengers Assemble film - a costume she's poured a lot of time and money into. So how did she do?

She's also been busy on her costume for EGX.

But the focus of this episode is her place of work: Artem, a special effects house. Have you ever watched MythBusters? It's a bit like walking around there.

There are severed limbs lying around, heads on shelves, cadavers with gaping holes in their chests. There's Master Chief, there's that robot from that TV advert. And there are big, serious machines.

Next episode we get to see Laura Sindall at EGX London, the show just been. Did her costume turn out OK? And what was everyone else wearing to the show?

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