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Video: Far Cry 4 lets you cut brakes on cars, stick C4 on elephants

That and more from Outside Xbox.

In Far Cry 4 you can cut the brakes on a car, load it with explosives and roll it down a hill into a mob of henchmen, says Far Cry 4 creative director Alex Hutchinson. Speaking of vehicles for incendiary content, here is your weekly selection of videos from Outside Xbox. Welcome, Eurogamers, and thanks for joining us.

Far Cry 4 will also let you slap sticky C4 on an elephant, you monster, and sic it on your enemies, in case motor vehicles aren't your thing. Take a watch of this interview for more tantalising Far Cry 4 gameplay details.

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Tom Clancy's The Division has no exploding elephants that we know of but does promise the cruelty-free Echo tool: an orange-hued detective vision that projects reconstructions of past events into the game world. It's essential for finding food, loot and hidden paths, and lets the developer tell stories of how New York was ravaged by a deadly lurgy. See how it works in the video.

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Finally, Show of the Week recalls the grisliest video game X-ray modes in tribute to Sniper Elite 3. Specifically, in tribute to Sniper Elite 3's painstaking slow-motion demonstrations of what happens inside a human body hit with a .30 cal Springfield round. If that's your thing, you monster, compare and contrast with Skate 3, Blitz: The League 2 and Fight Club.

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There you have it for one more week from Outside Xbox. If you could take some more video game videos between now and next time, such as the one in which we play Outlast, newly arrived on Xbox One at last, come to

Check out our guide to all of the confirmed details for Far Cry 4.

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