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Valve pushes back Artifact beta to just nine days before release

But Dota give up hope yet.

Valve's beta test for its upcoming Dota 2-themed virtual card game Artifact has been delayed.

Players who had registered their interest in participating in the semi-open beta have since received emails informing them that the test has been pushed back to 19th November 2018.

"You are receiving this email as an attendee of The International Dota 2 Tournament or someone who has registered an Artifact beta key," the email says.

"We have added Artifact to your account but we have a bit more work to do before letting everyone in. Right now we're planning for that to happen on November 19.

"The public release date will still be November 28."

As yet Valve has not formally confirmed the delay on any of its social media channels, but PC Gamer notes that any references to the beta on Artifact's official Twitter account have now been deleted.

As some Redditors have opined, the phrase "planning for that to happen" could suggest the beta may delayed even further; but as one commenter asserted, "It could also be earlier. Never lose hope. It's all we have left."

"9 days? What even is time anymore? 9 days, 9 years, 3*3 half-lifes does anything even matter, aren't we all just artifacts of dead people turning to ashes? oh a light," added another.

Artifact is expected to release on 28th November 2018.

Valve renamed an Artifact card last month after it was accused of being racist.

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