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Valve announces Pipeline website to help train teens

Gabe wants you.

Half-Life developer Valve has announced Pipeline, a new website aimed at helping high school-aged teens get into the game industry.

Young folk will be able to learn more about possible routes into the industry - for example, which university courses to take and how to apply for jobs - and also find out what it's like actually working at a games developer.

You could help finish it.

The website itself is being built by high school interns working at the company. Valve said it was also a response to the fact that it usually hires more experienced workers.

"Traditionally Valve has been a very good place for very experienced video game developers, and not so good at teaching people straight out of school (the reasons for this and the tradeoffs are covered in the Valve employee handbook)," the company explained on the Pipeline website.

"Pipeline is an experiment to see if we can take a group of high school students with minimal work experience and train them in the skills and methods necessary to be successful at a company like Valve."

The full site will be rolled out over the coming weeks.

Watch Valve boss Gabe Newell and his merry band of young recruits introduce the service below.

Watch on YouTube

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