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Uplink on iPad is fan-made port

Published with Introversion's blessing.

The recent iPad port of PC hacking simulation Uplink is a fan-made project, the developer has revealed.

Uplink's new tablet version has the blessing of original developer Introversion, who also agreed to publish the title.

"This iPad version started in earnest in 2010 when we were contacted by a fan who had bought the Uplink developer CD," Introversion exec Mark Morris told Modojo.

"We actually get a lot of contact from fans who promise to deliver ports but rarely have the tenacity, so our standard approach is to tell them to crack on and let us know when they have something to show.

"In this case Andrew Carne did exactly that. He carried on plugging away and earlier this year he got to the point when he was pretty much done and we just tickled it up and put it out there...

More iPad ports could follow should Uplink be successful, Morris explained.

"DEFCON will require more effort. If Uplink sells in decent numbers we'll do DEFCON. If it doesn't then we'll stick with desktop," he concluded.

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