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Ubisoft sides with amBX

BIA and Far Cry 2 coloured in.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft is to include Philips' amBX tech in some of its major upcoming titles, confirming today at Las Vegas’ CES that Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway and Far Cry 2 will both feature support for the ambient product.

amBX is being shown at CES working on both Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway and Far Cry 2, which were recently delayed by Ubisoft until the next fiscal year, beginning April 2008.

amBX allows developers to include "surround sense" elements in games through various peripherals, including light, colour, sound, rumble and air flow through enabled devices like fans, LED-powered lights, and so on.

"Working with one of the world’s largest publishers on two of the most successful gaming franchises of all time is an amazing opportunity for our amBX technology to really shine in front of a worldwide audience," said amBX COO, Jo Cooke. "Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway and Far Cry 2 are titles that will showcase just how powerful and in your face amBX effects can be in a war game. This is just the start of the alliance between amBX and Ubisoft and the level of our comarketing with Ubisoft will underline our dedication to bringing all-new ambient effects to world class games."

Other publisher announcements related to amBX are on the way, but Philips is keeping further details under wraps for now. The technology only works with PC titles at the moment, but Philips assures us that console announcements are on the way soon.

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