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Torchlight 1 free on GOG for 48 hours to kick off summer sale

Ain't never seen so much D&D so cheap.

Torchlight 1 is absolutely free right now on Good Old Games and will be for 48 hours while it kicks off the site's 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale.

Highlights include the staggering D&D bundle that packs Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2, Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2, Temple of Elemental Evil, Demonstone and Dragonshard, and all for $21.10 - you only save a mere $80 or so. I wonder how many combined hours of gameplay that is?

There's an enormous 90 per cent off the Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare two-pack, now priced $4.48 (down from $44.98).

Other good deals include The Witcher 2 for $9.99, Legend of Grimrock for $7.49 and FTL for $4.99.

The timed daily deals like the bundles above will offer the biggest discounts, but there will also be deals like the individual games above that last throughout.


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