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Two Tribes shelves Toki Tori Wii U editor to focus on new game

Will give you Steam version's level editor away for free if you own the Wii U version.

Toki Tori 2 developer Two Tribes has shelved plans to release a level editor for the Wii U version of the side-scrolling platformer.

The studio apologised for abandoning the plan, but said it could not see a return on investment.

"Toki Tori 2+ unfortunately didn't sell as good as we hoped it would," Martijn Reuvers wrote on the Two Tribes website.

"We spent way more time than initially anticipated on developing the game and subsequently the major free + update.

"Integrating a level editor and sharing is not something that we can easily do, as I will explain below. So we asked ourselves: is this big update really worth the additional investment? A level editor is a nice feature, but it won't appeal to the general audience. Unless, like Little Big Planet, the game is centered around user level sharing, a level editor will only be used by a small percentage of the people.

"Knowing this, we also figured that if we release a level editor, it won't do much extra to the sales.  If that is the case, should we really invest in it or should we shift our focus and let our team chew on something totally new? When we weighed all the options, we unfortunately decided that it was the best option to move on and focus on a new game."

Two Tribes talked to Nintendo and Valve about potentially integrating Steam into the Wii U by way of a solution to the sharing of levels problem, but those discussions "turned out to be a dead end as well".

To make up for the disappointing news, Two Tribes announced it will give the Steam version's level editor away for free if you own the Wii U version. There's more on how to claim your Steam key on the Two Tribes website.

"We hope this way we can make up a little bit for not releasing the editor on the Wii U," he said.

So, what's Two Tribes up to next? On 25th September 2013 the developer published a concept image, below, and Reuvers pointed to it in teasing a new game.

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