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To the Moon's free mini-sequel is out now

Teases the plot for the full sequel, Finding Paradise.

Interactive sci-fi drama To the Moon has received a second "minisode" fleshing out its cast in preparation for its true sequel, Finding Paradise.

This brief episode follows a Holiday Special chapter that came out on New Year's Eve and featured To the Moon protagonists Eva and Neil stuck at work amid protests against the company they work for - a place that gives people false memories, a little like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in reverse.

Each minisode should last around 20 minutes or so and give players some idea of what Finding Paradise is really about (hint: Its patient is the boy from To the Moon's follow-up, A Bird Story, all grown up).

While this minisode is free, developer Kan Gao is currently accepting donations to support To the Moon artist Jordan Baer who is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Good luck, Jordan!

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