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THQ sues Activision over BAJA box art

We made ours first, copycat.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

THQ has taken legal action against Activision for infringing on copyrighted cover artwork for off-road racer BAJA: Edge of Control.

You may have noticed that Activision unveiled a rather similar-sounding game earlier this year called SCORE International Baja l000.

Well, the similarities apparently don't stop there, as both box covers - THQ's made public first - depict a buggy racing in the foreground with a truck jumping in the air just slightly behind.

The reason for all of this: "In order to avoid the customer confusion that is likely to occur if Activision proceeds with its planned release of its own game using packaging artwork virtually identical to THQ's," according to the legal papers (spotted by Joystiq).

Matters have come to this because THQ has "exhausted all reasonable efforts" to get the design changed "voluntarily", apparently.

BAJA: Edge of Control was released at the end of September on Xbox 360 and PS3. We'll be bringing you our thoughts of the game soon.

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