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The System Shock remake gets seven minutes of new gameplay


Nightdive Studios has published seven minutes of gameplay of its System Shock remake.

The System Shock video, below, includes plenty of skulking about in the Research level of Citadel Station.

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I think it looks pretty impressive - the visuals are appropriately atmospheric, with plenty of sparky visual effects. There's a sense of foreboding, which System Shock should have. We see enemies who lurch towards the player once they're disturbed. The video ends with a quite terrifying fight against a large robot who takes an age to go down.

It's been a long and eventful road for the System Shock remake, which was originally intended to be a remaster of Looking Glass' classic first-person sci-fi horror before ballooning in scope. By the time its Kickstarter commenced in July 2016, it was being referred to as a "reboot" and, after a rocky period of development, Nightdive announced it was putting the project on hiatus after letting "things get out of control".

Despite those rough few years, Nightdive eventually managed to get the project back on track - albeit by essentially restarting with more focussed goals - and development's been steadily ticking forward ever since. Its System Shock is now described as a remake of the beloved PC classic.

System Shock is now due out "late summer". There's a demo on PC that offers a small, early slice of the overall System Shock experience, once again placing players in the shoes of an unnamed hacker who wakes to discover the Citadel Station in chaos, gripped by murderous robots and a megalomaniacal AI.

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