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The Minecraft documentary is officially free on YouTube

By the documentarians behind the Broken Age and Mighty No. 9 videos.

Minecraft: The Story of Mojang - the feature length documentary about the paradigm-shifting indie sandbox title - is now viewable, in its entirety, ad-free, on YouTube.

This isn't put up by some copyright-infringing third-party either, but rather by the filmmakers themselves, 2 Player Productions. You may be aware of the company already due to its work on the behind-the-scenes videos for Broken Age (aka the project formerly known as Double Fine Adventure), and Keiji Inafune's Mega Man successor, Mighty No. 9.

The Minecraft documentary began as successful Kickstarter project in February 2011 where it received $210,297 out of a $150,000 goal.

Our Dan Whitehead didn't find the film terribly illuminating, but considered it a pleasant enough jaunt for fans of the block-breaking/building phenomenon. "For fans of Minecraft it contains enough harmless glimpses behind the curtain and enough validation of their passion to justify its existence," he wrote in his review. But hey, for the princely sum of nothing but 104 minutes of your time, I'd say it's a worthwhile watch with some sharp edits, astounding fan-created projects, children grappling with this emergent genre, and Peter Molyneux matter-of-factly stating that Minecraft is better than any game he ever made.

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