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Sony stealth-releases new first-party shooter Kill Strain

Think it'll go viral?

There's a brand new first-party exclusive on PlayStation 4 today, developed by Sony San Diego.

You may be forgiven for not remembering Kill Strain, even though it has been in the works for ages. A free-to-play asymmetric team shooter, it was announced back in December 2014.

Since then, it has been kept almost entirely under wraps.

Last month we heard it would finally get a release on 19th July, so it's a surprise to see it listed for launch today in this week's EU PlayStation Store update. (UPDATE: Sony has dutifully reminded me that it was previously announced as a Plus exclusive from today for a week, although the blog does not mention this. Non-Plus members will still have to wait until next week).

If you're thinking Kill Strain is getting something of a stealth release, you'd be right. PlayStation doesn't even give it top billing in its own store blog.

Kill Strain is a niche concept - not only is it free-to-play shooter with a top-down camera, it's also an even more convoluted version of the asymmetric gameplay found in Evolve.

Instead of three versus one, it's four versus another four versus two. Yep.

Sony's San Diego studio develops the annual Major League Baseball series, which is naturally less well-known on this side of the pond.

The developer also helped develop LittleBigPlanet Karting, ModNation Racers on PSP and Vita, and Medieval Moves for PlayStation Move.

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