Sunless Skies now offering closed alpha registration
To run from 5th June through the end of July.
Text-heavy roguelike Sunless Skies, the spiritual successor to Sunless Sea, has opened up registration for a closed alpha on PC, Mac and Linux.

There's no strings attached to sign up for this early look, though there's no guarantee you'll be selected either.
At the moment the developer is looking for newcomers and veterans alike to Failbetter's stable of victorian horror, though it would prefer folks with QA testing experience or those with accessibility requirements, so it can keep such feedback in mind.
Each batch of the closed alpha will run for about two weeks, with the whole thing ending around the end of July. After that the game will be available for sale on Steam Early Access.
"Joining the alpha means experiencing Sunless Skies in a very unpolished state, without all features implemented, and plenty of bugs," Failbetter warned on its blog.
It also noted that progress from the alpha won't transfer to the Early Access game.
Sunless Skies was a smash hit on Kickstarter a few months back where it raised nearly four times its £100k goal with a grand total of £377,952.
For more on Sunless Skies, our Chris Donlan interviewed Failbetter Games last autumn about its grand guignol world of cannibalism and madness.