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Star Trek Online


Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Star Trek Online is the stuff of dreams: not only for fans of the series who've dreamed of piloting their own starship since they were six, all tucked up tight in their Next Generation bedsheets, but for the developers at Cryptic. Star Trek presents them with a massive ready-made fan-base which will probably be willing to play the game for a few months regardless of how they treats the license. But there's no laziness or complacency evident here; Cryptic is creating a flexible yet faithful interpretation of the Star Trek universe that stands a good chance of living up to even the unrealistic expectations of the faithful.

Cryptic's aim is to give fans that dream: to be a starship captain. Every player in Star Trek Online is a Kirk or Picard (or a Janeway or Sisko, I suppose) rather than a behind-the-scenes red-shirt working their way painstakingly through the Starfleet Academy and up the ranks. "We didn't think it would be very interesting to sit down in the transporter room and press a button for twenty hours to level up, and then maybe get to work in engineering for a while," says executive producer Craig Zinkievich. "What everybody's really interested in the captain experience, the command experience."

He's not wrong. In a universe as vast and complicated as Star Trek's, the thought of being consigned to transporter-room duty for your first 10 levels would surely fail to enthuse even the least thrill-seeking members of it target audience. You'll be working together with other players, but as fleets, rather than as part of a crew. You don't have to be a Federation do-gooder, either - you can also be a Klingon limb-severer instead, aspiring to be in charge of a war-painted Negh'Var rather than the majestic Enterprise. You can be any race from the Star Trek universe, or create your own. The basic philosophy of the game is to enable you to experience it exactly as you want to. You can wander around in the neutral zone picking up trading missions, you can go out fighting in the great vastness of space, you can follow the story, you can just explore. It's all cool, as far as Cryptic is concerned.

Daaaa da da daaaa da da daaaaa...

The game is approximately equal parts space combat, interstellar travel and on-planet missions. As with the TV series (the original one, anyway), the action ensures that you're never in the same place for very long, constantly moving between space and planet surfaces, boarding ships, spacestations and satellites, zipping between systems at warp-speed in search of where no man has ever gone before. Although the Klingon and Federation players will be locked in a war, the game is heavily instanced; all the foes you face will be computer-controlled. It's emphatically not EVE Online.

Space combat is slow-paced and tactical. "If you look at combat in the Star Trek universe, it's not a dogfighter,"says Zinkievich. "These are huge, powerful starships. It's a tactical, strategic experience. It's all about positioning, how you're balancing the energy to your different systems, lining up that final attack and taking them down."

... da da da da da DAAA daaa daaa dadada daaaaa...

During a fight with a small fleet of Klingon fighter craft, our demonstrator transfers shield power to the forward shields on approach before beefing up the weapons systems and turning side-on to blast the ships with both forward and rear phasers, then circling round to deliver a fatal flurry of photon torpedoes. Positioning is indeed essential: forward and rear-facing weapons all have different firing arcs, and ships don't zip through space like Star Wars fighters; movement is appropriately slow, calming the pace of the combat to suit the strategic mood.

The Klingon vessels eventually explode, beautifully and silently, leaving the Federation ship to drift triumphantly towards the planet as fragments of metal spin, with balletic grace, into the ether. A slight trajectory-plotting error causes a final explosion to catch the rear left side of the ship, which takes out the shields, but they start to recharge quickly. The bridge officers that you take on board with you determine what you can do in combat - take a good engineer with a shield-recharging skill and you'll be better able to recover from damage.