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Stadia staff join Jade Raymond at Haven Studios

Including ex-Assassin's Creed narrative director.

At least half a dozen more Google Stadia staff have found a new home at Haven Studios, the developer set up by former Stadia games exec Jade Raymond.

The list notably includes Corey May, who like Raymond once helped define the early Assassin's Creed series. May served as scriptwriter, lead writer and then narrative director on numerous Assassin's Creed games over the course of a 12-year span, and worked with Raymond on the series' first couple of entries.

At Stadia, May served as its head of creative services. He's joined at Haven by former Stadia general manager Sebastien Puel - another high profile hire.

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At least four more former Stadia team members have also made the leap to Haven, as dug up by ResetEra user Cyberia (thanks,, including artists, engineers and user experience staff.

Raymond founded the fresh Montreal studio back in March, a month after Google said it was giving up on plans to develop games itself. Upon Haven's founding, Sony announced it would finance Haven's first game, which would be a new IP for PlayStation.

"I'm announcing Haven, an independent studio where many of the talented game developers I have worked with for years (and love dearly!) are coming together to do what we are most passionate about," Raymond said in a statement at the time. "It's time for us to refocus on GAMES in a place where we can practice our crafts without any barriers or impediments.

"Together, we want to create games that are a haven for players, and we want to build a studio that is a haven for developers. So, while we don't have many details to announce today, I want the PlayStation community to know that Haven Studios is already hard at work on an unannounced IP. We can't wait to show you more!"

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