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PlayStation 4 Press Conference Live Report

Watch Sony unveil its next generation of hardware here from 11pm GMT.

Happy new hardware day! OK, maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves, but seeing as Sony's invited the world's press to its New York-based conference today we're pretty confident this is going to be a little more than the announcement of a new colour range for the Vita.

Tom Bramwell's our man on the ground in New York, and he'll be bringing you updates as and when they happen. The livestream above will let you see all the action as it unfurls, but if you really want to know what Kaz Hirai's fear smells like, then Tom's your man.

We'll also be bringing you all the news as it happens, as well as fresh insight, analysis and commentary from the team. Want to know what to make of Andy House's decision to rock a blue pastel shirt as he unveils the future of the PlayStation? Eurogamer will have you covered.

As you're gearing yourself up for the night, you might want to also check out our brief history of console reveals and roundup of everything PlayStation 4-related we know so far. We'll be bringing you more PlayStation 4 related content in the run-up to tonight's conference.

It all kicks off at 6pm EST, or 11pm GMT. It could be something quite, quite special.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Do you own a PlayStation 3? THROW IT IN THE BIN. Tonight we meet its replacement. I've arrived in New York for what Sony is calling "PlayStation Meeting 2013" and what everyone else is calling the PS4 conference. I'll be heading over to the venue in a few hours and things should get going at 6pm EST, which is 11pm GMT in old money. Speak to you then.

Tom Bramwell

HELLO LADYWELL! Tom's currently lining up to take his place inside the venue, and I'm lining up to take my place in front of a computer screen in the heart of South East London where the real magic's going to be happening tonight. We've only got 30 minutes to go, and I'm already getting butterflies and sweaty palms.

Martin Robinson

Which is actually probably down to the packet of ginger nuts I just got through. Living on the edge here.

Martin Robinson

Noxia: How long is the conference? I don't want them to beat around the bush, just lay it all on me at once

From my understanding it's going to be a fairly long one - we're looking at around 90 minutes, which gives time for plenty PowerPoint skills to be shown off.

Martin Robinson

What's everyone's tipple of choice for the next couple of hours? I see a few of you are hitting the beers, which is a brave choice. I've got a bottle of Glenlivet staring me down, but I think I'll save that for any Gran Turismo news. For now it's Rooibos all the way. I'm a tough guy like that.

Martin Robinson

Phily50: Robinsons fruit and barley, orange motherfuckas

Yeah, keep it street!

Martin Robinson

frunk: @Martin Chasing down the Leffe with Yamakazi... but just ran out - so eyeing up the Aberfeldy 21 year old... I don't think it will survive the night!

That's someone with real class.

Martin Robinson

I'm beginning to think these butterflies might be more than just the infinite sugar rush that comes off the back of a whole pack of g-nuts. I think I'm getting excited!

Martin Robinson

Sony's done a good job of keeping this all under wraps, I think. Although as Wes just pointed out to me we do know the specs, a little on the business model and what the controller looks like.

Martin Robinson

But it's all about the games, right?

Martin Robinson

MeBrains: anybody else with lagging / buffering video? how's the servers, Martin?

Everything's holding up well our end! Nowt's started yet, though, so you haven't missed out on anything yet.

Martin Robinson

X201: Keep it jovial chaps lets stop the one up man ship with the whiskey, or I may have to nick a drop of my dads birthday whiskey to nuke the lot of you. :)

Go on, do it! I'll happily take the blame.

Martin Robinson

SEVQA: It's official. The Playstation 4 will not have sound.

Sound's a last generation feature, innit.

Martin Robinson

mal: I'm up for a game of one down man ship, if anyone else is. I'm currently on Lidl own-brand wine. Any offers?

If we're going to play that game I've got some mystery Eastern European liqueurs downstairs that will take on allcomers.

Martin Robinson

Apparently, wi-fi and 3G will not be next-gen features. Just heard from Tom, who's inside the venue, that there's no connection there. So in a first for EG the following live-blog will be brought to you by a man in his dressing gown.

Martin Robinson

There is funk, and there is disco. There is the sound of a PlayStation meeting about to commence.

Martin Robinson

Apparently Larry Hryb just tweeted to say he's in an Xbox conference room "watching the fun unfold".

Martin Robinson

And we are GO!

Martin Robinson

20 seconds for the Inception horn to get in there. That's probably not a record.

Martin Robinson

And some super streaming as Sony trolls the audience with a half-formed PS logo.

Martin Robinson

A rollcall of Sony's great and good before we get into the event proper.

Martin Robinson

Lara, LittleBigPlanet, GT - all the usual suspects making an appearance.

Martin Robinson


Ellie Gibson

And here's another mascot - it's Mr. Andrew House!

Martin Robinson

Loving the facial hair. Very Giovanni Ribisi.

Ellie Gibson

"connectivity between devices" - you can tick that off your conference bingo card.

Ellie Gibson

See also "phenomenal play experiences".

Ellie Gibson

Andrew House says the Vita could bring "significant value" to the living room.

Ellie Gibson

Smartphones and tablets now. We must be just seconds away from Facebook and YouTube.

Ellie Gibson

(Andy came on to the boot up sound for the original PlayStation. Nice touch.)

Oli Welsh

It's not just about next-gen tech but "reconceptualising" how gamers want to play. Wowsers.

Ellie Gibson

I'm pretty sure he's said "gaming experience" 148 times already. Come on WILL IT BE MORE THAN £800???

Ellie Gibson

"Expect worlds to come alive with greater fidelity and intensity than ever before."

Ellie Gibson

Yes, he just said it "PlayStation 4" - a "significant shift" from a mere box or console.

Ellie Gibson

"PS4 will unleash imaginations"

Ellie Gibson

"An idea with enough vision to lead the ever-changing landscape."

Ellie Gibson

It's all about the multi-dimensional experiences we not only expect but deserve, apparently.

Ellie Gibson

So that's it - PS4. I can't be the only one surprised by that.

Martin Robinson

We're going to meet some creative minds, including one belonging to someone who joined Atari at 17 and invented Marble Madness...

Ellie Gibson

Lead system architect Mark Cerny is coming on to the tune of the Crash Bandicoot music! jolly.

Ellie Gibson

Mark Cerny takes up Kuturagi's role

Martin Robinson

His role on the PS4 started 5 years ago. It was all about freeing devs from technological limitations.

Ellie Gibson

He's slightly more confident on stage than poor Ken was back at the dawn of the PS3.

Martin Robinson

He's talking about how old machines were always devices with single purposes.

Ellie Gibson

But when PS3 launched, all of that was in flux. It's done "pretty well" but there are limits, says Mark.

Ellie Gibson

Cerny's talking about the end of dedicated machines.

Martin Robinson

He's proud of the achievements of Cell. But this is obviously a fond farewell.

Martin Robinson

Cross-disciplinary team behind the PS4 had several goals. The first one, hearteningly, is not getting between the player and the game.

Martin Robinson

And connecting fluidly to a connected world.

Martin Robinson

Finally, it's about listening to what developers want. An architecture that could facilitate the expression of their ideas.

Martin Robinson

Talking to devs back in 2008, in a roundabout way. As a result, the PS4's a system by developers for developers.

Martin Robinson

Must've taken Jack Tretton ages to put this Powerpoint together.

Ellie Gibson

The architecture's like a PC in many ways. With an enhanced PC GPU.

Martin Robinson

Come on, get to the point. ARE YOU BRINGING UMD BACK?????

Ellie Gibson

There's 8GB of unified memory - which is a new detail.

Martin Robinson

It's one that Rich L is getting all excited about.

Martin Robinson

The DualShock 4!

Martin Robinson

It looks so much better here than it did in those early leaks.

Martin Robinson

There's the headphone jack, a touchpad and the share button we've all heard so much about.

Martin Robinson

And a stereo camera. Nobody say Kinect. It's another Eyetoy!

Martin Robinson

We're seeing the Unreal Engine 4 demo.

Martin Robinson

This bit's aimed directly at Rich Leadbetter. I'll admit I'm a little flustered by some of this tech stuff.

Martin Robinson

But I can understand this tech demo powered by Havok, which is effectively ducks 2.0.

Martin Robinson

Cerny's making a game too.

Martin Robinson

And this is our first look at a PS4 game proper.

Martin Robinson

Stylised, Pixar style graphics. And being developed by Japan Studio.

Martin Robinson

Mac, which I assume will be you, is a cute critter-sized imp who's placed in the middle of an almighty war.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, that's Knack.

Martin Robinson

And that's what the game's called. An action platformer, by the looks of it.

Martin Robinson

I'll be straight - that doesn't really push any of my buttons.

Martin Robinson

In the UK of course it will be called Knackers. I hope.

Ellie Gibson

Japan Studio, as it was pointed out to me recently, have effectively sat out the last generation - so here's hoping they come out strong for the PS4

Martin Robinson

The PS4 can suspend and resume play sessions.

Martin Robinson

Gameplay preserved in Ram. You just have to power up and you can resume. No need to sit through the boot process.

Martin Robinson

Digital titles will be playable even as you're downloading them. Nice.

Martin Robinson

Digital titles will be playable even as you're downloading them. Nice.

Martin Robinson

And we're on to the social - and the shared gameplay feature we've heard about in the past.

Martin Robinson

A look at the new XMB. It's an evolution of the new look seen in the recently redesigned PlayStation Store.

Martin Robinson

You can browse videos of what your friends are playing - or spectate famous people playing that game.

Martin Robinson

You can play anonymously, of course. But the wider worlds there.

Martin Robinson

Oh good. Another social network thingy. That is what is missing from my life.

Ellie Gibson

Wes, with his eagle news eyes, has spotted that trophies are still there.

Martin Robinson

Integration with smartphones and tablets - allowing you to interact anywhere.

Martin Robinson

There's something quite disconcerting about Cerny.

Martin Robinson

Looking forward to the moment when Sony reveals that actually this entire conference is taking place from Home 2.0.

Ellie Gibson

A successful new platform must not only meet but exceed player expectations, bleeps Cerny's voice chip.

Martin Robinson

And he's about to power down, and make way for Dave Perry. So here comes the Gaikai bit!

Martin Robinson

I miss Ken....

Martin Robinson

Was really hoping he meant David "Games Animal" Perry to be honest.

Ellie Gibson

Nice blazer/jeans combo. Dave's a bit of a hunk.

Martin Robinson

He's also excited to be working with Sony. obv.

Martin Robinson

It's about pushing the PlayStation into new territories.

Martin Robinson

Dave Perry hugged me once. It was like being embraced by a handsome lamppost.

Ellie Gibson

We're creating the fastest, most powerful network for gaming in the world, says Dave.

Martin Robinson

Press the X button to instantly play a game when you're browsing them. With Gaikai and the PS Store, you can experience anything when you want.

Martin Robinson

Try before you buy, basically. Gaikai's also partnered with UStream and Facebook.

Martin Robinson

The PS4 works together with Facebook and Gaikai to create, what Sony hopes, is going to be the first social network with meaning.

Martin Robinson

The share button plays a big part of this vision.

Martin Robinson

Friends can post comments to your screen when you broadcast live via the share button.

Martin Robinson

And if you're stuck, you can ask a friend to take over and assist remotely.

Martin Robinson

For the devs, there's access to new spectating tools.

Martin Robinson

Multicasting capabilities as well - so you can broadcast your play at a set time to as many people as you want, thanks to UStream.

Martin Robinson

PS4 games on second screens.

Martin Robinson

Remote play's been built into the potential of the PS4

Martin Robinson

And Vita's the biggest part of that. The best accompaniment to the PS4.

Martin Robinson

And the shot in the arm that the Vita sorely needed.

Martin Robinson

So you can play with your Knackers remotely? Yes I am pathetic.

Ellie Gibson

Knack's being shown - it's working on Remote Play on the Vita.

Martin Robinson

Using the full graphical capabilities of the PS4. Although it really doesn't look all that.

Martin Robinson

Sony's also doing multimedia stuff too - including Netflix, Hulu and a host of other services.

Martin Robinson

Backwards compatibility. PS3 titles aren't supported on PS4 - but they're looking at Gaikai being the solution.

Martin Robinson

Everything, everywhere is the vision of the new PSN.

Martin Robinson

Cloud services will be rolled out, which is important to note.

Martin Robinson

Tim Schafer looks well weird without a beard.

Martin Robinson

So is PS3's slogan now That Was Living?

Ellie Gibson

But, more importantly - here's a bunch of devs saying nice things about the PS4.

Martin Robinson

We've had Ready at Dawn as well as Double Fine contributing. Oh, and here's Randy Pitchford.

Martin Robinson

Tameem's shaved his hair. Schafer's got rid of his beard. PS4 does not support full follicles, it seems.

Martin Robinson

I want to see some games now, please.

Martin Robinson

Stig Asmussen's part of the reel - and we know he's working on a PS4 title at Santa Monica. Let's hope he returns!

Martin Robinson

Kaz, godly, heavenly Kaz, is now saying that the PS4's like a blank canvas.

Martin Robinson

Michael Denny, the starchiest exec in the biz with a luscious set of lips, is up next.

Martin Robinson

Shark-like eyes, has Denny.

Martin Robinson

I've also heard he sleeps with his eyes open.

Martin Robinson

But anyway, he's cueing up some proper games.

Martin Robinson

Hermann Hulst is here, showing what Guerrilla's up to.

Martin Robinson

And it's another Killzone game.

Martin Robinson

Killzone: Shadowfall's the name.

Martin Robinson

And my my does it look pretty.

Martin Robinson

Obviously we've all been burned by Killzone presentations before at Sony reveals, but surely they wouldn't pull that trick again?

Martin Robinson

Best new feature of this Killzone - it has colours!

Martin Robinson

A slick, shiny futuristic city, and a measured stroll through its security measures.

Martin Robinson

There's an immense amount of detail here. Although I'd love to see the game in action rather than someone just walking around.

Martin Robinson

The city's struck by what looks like a terrorist attack. And we've got our first neck stab of the day!

Martin Robinson

Cripes, what was that - two minutes into the first proper game?

Martin Robinson

It's a first person shooter alright. It's got the persons and the shooting.

Martin Robinson

Sorry my stream dropped out for a minute. Is this the new Ratchet & Clank?

Ellie Gibson

Another neck stab to keep everything in check, this one an aerial takedown.

Martin Robinson

We've got an on-rails section now, and while it's showing off the pretties it's not doing much else that interesting.

Martin Robinson

Well, there you go. Your first look at Shadow Fall.

Martin Robinson

In a nice touch, the guy "playing" the game shares the video.

Martin Robinson

Here's Evolution's game, which definitely isn't a Motorstorm game.

Martin Robinson

It's called Drive Club, and it's team-based racing.

Martin Robinson

Ahh, Matt Southern, the most ironically named man in games.

Ellie Gibson

Collaborative gameplay based around teams.

Martin Robinson

It's not about hardware, says Southern - it's about new gameplay. There's straight-up racing and asynchronous play.

Martin Robinson

From the looks of that first trailer, there's licensed machines here.

Martin Robinson

Uses a first person perspective.

Martin Robinson

There's a Kernelsegg, and a world of other real cars.

Martin Robinson

This reminds me a little of Project Gotham's garage mode.

Martin Robinson

And I'm sure this'll have similarly arcade handling.

Martin Robinson

What time's Beyonce on?

Ellie Gibson

So that's DriveClub. It's got cars in it.

Martin Robinson

Ooh, it's Sucker Punch.

Martin Robinson

He's talking about CCTV, and invasion of space.

Martin Robinson

And this is Nate Fox, who despite this earnestness is quite a lovely man.

Martin Robinson

Is this another Infamous?

Martin Robinson

I like how Sony is highlighting how there are too many cameras in public places having just announced they want to put another one in your lounge.

Ellie Gibson

There's a huge tower over a dystopian city. Looks ripe for climbing, that.

Martin Robinson

Cut to a bank of CCTV feeds.

Martin Robinson

It looks very, very Infamous. Imagine it'll follow along similar lines. Open-world, comic book action.

Martin Robinson

It is an Infamous game, and it's called Second Son.

Martin Robinson

And that's the games, it seems. A mixed bunch.

Martin Robinson

Actually, I'll say it - quite a lacklustre bunch.

Martin Robinson

But here's something new!

Martin Robinson

Do you think Michael Denny irons his own shirts?

Ellie Gibson

Very crisp.

Ellie Gibson

Third party games, I believe.

Martin Robinson

An indie developer being teed up. And it's Jonathan Blow.

Martin Robinson

And surely it's the Witness?

Martin Robinson

And The Witness it is.

Martin Robinson

And it'll be a timed PS4 exclusive, by the looks of things.

Martin Robinson

medicineboy: now thats a shirt!!

Yeah, it's the winner so far tonight.

Martin Robinson

The Witness is an open world game. And it's a puzzle game.

Martin Robinson

As ever, I'm quite confused as to what it actually is.

Martin Robinson

Doubtless I'll just play it and realise it's a slightly pretentious Myst.

Martin Robinson

Here's a trailer that could help explain things though.

Martin Robinson

No, wait. It's a record player in a tree.

Martin Robinson

It's being aimed, with some brilliant ambiguity, for the launch window.

Martin Robinson

well, it's at least quite pretty.

Martin Robinson

The Krypton Factor is BACK!

Ellie Gibson

Here's Donlan's more eloquent take on The Witness from a while back.

Martin Robinson

Cage is up next! Can they announce Singularity before Beyond's even out?

Martin Robinson

Cage, as ever, is getting emotional.

Martin Robinson

He's really talking nonsense now. How silent cinema was limited in its expression.

Martin Robinson

I can't hide my disdain for that opinion, I'm afraid.

Martin Robinson

More polygons equals more emotion, seems to be where Cage is heading.

Martin Robinson

Cage David! Met the PS4 on Monday, took it for a drink on Tuesday, and on Wednesday they were developing new emotional entertainment experiences that gamers both want and deserve on all platforms across all devices with maximum connectivity across all social networks in real time

Ellie Gibson

Here's a tech demo showing what Quantic Dream has been up to on the PS4

Martin Robinson

There's translucency, shading. More importantly, there's EMOTION.

Martin Robinson

I can smell this old man's pissy pants thanks to the power of PS4.

Martin Robinson


Ellie Gibson

No game to announce, then. Just a tech demo.

Martin Robinson

Here's Alex Evans, hopefully with something to announce for PS4.

Martin Robinson

They're a two team studio now, with one small team working on Tearaway while everyone else is working on... Well, hopefully we'll find out in a tick.

Martin Robinson

"We want to let you record your dreams"

Martin Robinson

In my case, you really don't. They're super mundane.

Martin Robinson

Note to video game executives. If you find yourself compelled to utter the phrase "But I mean seriously" during rehearsal, consider not saying the sentence preceding it.

Ellie Gibson

They're working with Move.

Martin Robinson

Using it to make a sculpting tool.

Martin Robinson

What we're seeing being created is really, really impressive. Expressive sculptures, all made with the Move controller.

Martin Robinson

3D sculpting's what it's about - and it looks like it's going to tie into the level creation etc. that MM did with LittleBigPlanet.

Martin Robinson

Oh, Media Molecule, with your quaint whimsy and your Breton tops. Never change.

Ellie Gibson

We're about to see a live demo. Or at least one that was recorded live.

Martin Robinson

Using Move to control the sculptures like marionettes to create a performance.

Martin Robinson

It's a bit like the Muppets Show. I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Martin Robinson

Andy's back on stage to take us home.

Martin Robinson

And now he's talking about third party devs.

Martin Robinson

There's a whole host of them there. I can't type that fast to give you them all!

Martin Robinson

Yoshi Ono's on-stage as the first third party rep. And he's not talking about Street Fighter.

Martin Robinson

He's being typically camp, though, bless him.

Martin Robinson

Good to see 505 Games' name on that developers slide. NOW I'm excited.

Ellie Gibson

Is this cross-gen Remember Me? Or something else?

Martin Robinson

Ha, someone's just suggested this could be a Rival Schools game. IMAGINE!

Martin Robinson

He's here to show off Panta Rhei, an evolution of Capcom's MT Framework engine.

Martin Robinson

It's a new IP, and it's running on the Panta Rhei engine.

Martin Robinson

Called Deep Down, it's got a Dragon's Dogma vibe to it

Martin Robinson

Called Deep Down, it's got a Dragon's Dogma vibe to it

Martin Robinson

Here's what looks like in-game stuff. Really, really impressive in-game stuff, with a huge dragon being tackled by a single small soldier.

Martin Robinson

A little email at the end - from Blanka to Yoshi, of course - suggests that you'll be able to call on friend to help you in this.

Martin Robinson

Square up next. If this is a Ito directed Final Fantasy, you'll hear my screams from wherever you are in the world.

Martin Robinson

Hashimoto's on stage. Is it another FF7 demo?

Martin Robinson

Luminous Studio, who handle all the cut-scenes for Square and did the Agni demo, are behind this.

Martin Robinson

Sadly, it's just a tech demo.

Martin Robinson

And it's just Agne's Philosophy again.

Martin Robinson

Well, you've likely seen this before as it was show at last year's E3.

Martin Robinson

Has anyone got any crisps?

Ellie Gibson

Do you think they'll come out all together or will Kelly and Michelle be separate?

Ellie Gibson

Michelle will be on the right. She always makes Michelle stand on the right.

Ellie Gibson

Shinji Hashimoto is now taking the stage.

Martin Robinson

So here's a Final Fantasy announcement.

Martin Robinson

They're preparing development of a Final Fantasy game.

Martin Robinson

Did that guy just announce there will be an E3 this year? Thanks for that.

Ellie Gibson

Square just announced they're working on a Final Fantasy game. More as it happens.

Martin Robinson

Guillemot Style!

Ellie Gibson

Well, here's Watch Dogs for a little burst of excitement.

Martin Robinson

He couldn't be bothered to iron his shirt so he just put a jumper on.

Ellie Gibson

Yves done his bit - his lovely bit - and here's a smiley chap from Ubi Montreal to show off his iPhone.

Martin Robinson

We've a new live demo - the first new footage since last year's E3.

Martin Robinson

"The heart of America - feels like somewhere it's skipped a beat" says the moody voiceover, before we cut to a look at some lovely cloth.

Martin Robinson

Again, this is looking really impressive - an amazing amount of detail in the city, and a load of possibilities suggested by the hacking mechanic.

Martin Robinson

There's some great free-running action as the hero pre-cogs a crime and intervenes.

Martin Robinson

Destroying cars, fuse boxes and darting around a convincing Chicago.

Martin Robinson

And that's Watch Dogs.

Martin Robinson

And it's another partner. BLIZZARD?

Martin Robinson

Could this be console Diablo? Well, what else could it be.

Martin Robinson

Metzen providing one of the first glimpses of charisma of the night.

Martin Robinson

He's talking big picture stuff, so maybe there's no title announcement - talking about Blizzard's history with console.

Martin Robinson

I'm wrong, as ever It's Diablo.

Martin Robinson

They've a version running already on PS4, and they've got a control solution up and running.

Martin Robinson

There's four player co-op in there

Martin Robinson

"One couch to rule them all" jokes Metzen.

Martin Robinson

That's couch co-op for four players, of course.

Martin Robinson

There'll be more unveiled at PAX East.

Martin Robinson

In the name of brevity. Phrases that should be banned from all future games conferences: "We're very excited about..."

Ellie Gibson

Activision are up now. Is this a bit more about Destiny?

Martin Robinson

See also "We're looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming months."

Ellie Gibson

They're supporting PS4 over the launch window.

Martin Robinson

"launch window"

Ellie Gibson

And the developers are excited about the platform.

Martin Robinson

And there's one developer who's been alien to PlayStation for a while - Bungie, of course.

Martin Robinson

We'll get to see some more of the game, courtesy of Bungie's Jason Jones.

Martin Robinson

Shame Bobby Kotick couldn't make it. There's a lot of bottles of piss with nowhere to go in that audience right now.

Ellie Gibson

Destiny's going to launch on PS3 and PS4.

Martin Robinson

And with exclusive content to boot.

Martin Robinson

Andrew House is wrapping up. No Kaz, he's too pimp.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming "Holiday 2013"

Martin Robinson

A lot of new games, a lot of new details.

Martin Robinson

Here's hoping they mean Easter holiday.

Ellie Gibson

There's plenty more questions though. Will it play used games? Will we see it in Europe this year?

Martin Robinson

Where oh where is Fumito Ueda's magical catweagle? SAD FACE.

Ellie Gibson

We'll be looking to bring you answers to some of those in the next day or two.

Martin Robinson

And with that I'm going to hit the Glenlivet.

Martin Robinson

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams (which Sony is recording on a camera using PlayStation Move across all devices to all social networks in real time everywhere all the time. On Vita).

Ellie Gibson

Read this next