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Sony US boss Tretton downplays PS4 2012 announcement

Uses that "hitting its stride" phrase for PS3 again.

It's sounding increasingly unlikely that Sony will announce PlayStation 4 this year.

Wise-cracking Sony US leader Jack Tretton told IGN that "I don't want to be thinking about trying to launch new technology any time soon", and said he'd be "very distracted" talking about next-gen hardware this year.

"In terms of when you talk about [the next generation] and when you announce it, it really depends on the health of the existing platform and the other things you have going on," tremoloed Tretton.

Oh hello, it's another Strider.

"And right now, we're focused on PlayStation 3, and I've got another platform [Vita] to get out the door in seven days, so I don't want to be thinking about trying to launch new technology any time soon. I want to focus all our energy on our console business, which is really just hitting its stride, and Vita, which really deserves a dedicated push from us."

"I, quite frankly, would be very distracted if I had to be talking about next generation hardware this year."

"I want to focus all our energy on our console business, which is really just hitting its stride."

Jack Tretton, boss, PlayStation US

He's Tretton on egg shells, you could say, but not denying - outright - a 2012 announcement. E3 may be too close to Vita's launch, and too clogged with Nintendo's Wii U and Microsoft's rumoured Next Xbox announcement, but the Tokyo Game Show in September isn't. Perhaps.

Whatever happens, it's great to hear that Sony's console business is "really just hitting its stride". We've not heard Tretton say that since July 2008 and February 2010.

Sony's still announcing big new exclusives for PS3, like Naughty Dog's The Last of Us.

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