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Sony makes LittleBigPlanet Karting official with debut trailer

Fast-paced racing with creativity of LBP.

Sony has made LittleBigPlanet Karting official with a debut trailer.

It's described as a "new LBP collaboration" between series creator Media Molecule and ModNation Racers developer United Front Games, and is due out on PlayStation 3 in 2012.

Confirmed features include LBP's trademark creation in a 3D world, and online game modes, including competitive arena battles, split screen mode or online via PlayStation Network, objective based missions, and mini-games.

Using the game's new toolset, you can design tracks, customise Sackboy, the karts, and make your own game rules. All user-generated content is shareable around the world through PSN.

"With LBP's powerful and diverse toolset in their capable hands, LittleBigPlanet Karting is sure to be an adventure that both LBP fans and kart racing fans alike will enjoy!" read a Media Molecule message posted on the EU PlayStation Blog.

"We are very eager to see what you think of this union and especially excited to see what happens now that you have a 3D environment to create in! It's the start of a whole new LBP world!"

United Front Games senior producer James Grieve added: "Our goal with LBP Karting has been fairly simple - provide a fast-paced experience that captures the best of classic Karting gameplay, married with the unbridled creativity of LBP. This new adventure will be accessible to players of all ages and have all of the variety necessary to satisfy both the hardcore and more casual players."

UFG said the game includes a new toolbox created specifically for the Karting's 3D world.

"This is an LBP game, so we could never talk about it without mentioning the create tools. LBP Karting is set in an entirely 3D world allowing players to create rich and varied gameplay experiences," UFG continued. "Tons of familiar LBP gadgets will be present, along with a brand new toolbox specifically tailored to allow for building in LBP Karting's 3D world. Along with fan favourite racing and battle modes, players will be able to modify the rules of the game itself to create completely new modes and challenges. All of this is wrapped up in a community experience that should have LBP fans feeling right at home."

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