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Sony 3D TV buyers get free games in June

3D PS3 firmware to precede HX803 launch.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has announced that people buying its new Bravia HX803 3D TV in June will receive a PSN voucher entitling them to four 3D versions of PS3 games.

The PS3 will receive a 3D compatibility firmware update before the launch of the new Bravia, and then a further firmware update to support 3D Blu-ray playback will follow before the end of 2010.

The four games will be free to anyone forking out for one of the TVs, and they are WipEout HD, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, PAIN and Super Stardust HD.

WipEout HD is the full game, apparently, but doesn't include the Fury add-on; MotorStorm is a single-level 3D demo, PAIN will be three episodes plus the tutorial; and Super Stardust HD is the full game not including DLC.

There's no word on whether the games will be sold separately to non-Bravia 3D users, but we've asked Sony to clarify.

The new HX803 series TVs offer 1080p HD 3D support and boast proprietary features like High Speed Precision (minimises interference between left and right eye images), LED Boost (increases brightness) and 3D Up Conversion (the equivalent of DVD upscaling for the 3D era - taking 2D images and adding depth where possible).

Sony's 3D technology uses active shutter glasses, which open and close shutters so that your eyes see alternating images to create the impression of 3D.

The glasses have a battery life of "approximately 100 hours" and will be available in special sizes for children and animals, possibly.

Apparently you can pre-order the new TVs from, but we can't find any reference to them there so good luck.

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