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Snake Pass' latest update adds a free new Arcade Mode

And obliterates controversial Switch icon.

Sumo Digital just updated its serpentine physics platformer Snake Pass, adding a free new Arcade Mode, and remedying the game's controversial home screen icon on Switch.

Arcade Mode is out now on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Switch, and can be played on all 15 of Snake Pass' existing levels once they're unlocked in the main story campaign. It's the second bonus mode to be included in Snake Pass, following on from Time Trial Mode, and tasks players with racing around a stage and gathering up fruit.

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The more fruit you eat before the timer runs out, the higher your score multiplayer will climb and, thus, the higher your score on reaching the end-gate. Scores are uploaded to Snake Pass' online leaderboard, should you fancy attempting to best your friends and total strangers.

Snake Pass' new 1.4 update also brings a long-promised change for Switch fans: it reintroduces the game's original home screen icon, ditching the unpopular replacement icon that snuck onto the console in an update shortly after release. That monstrosity is now hopefully gone forever.

Despised icon (left), glorious replacement (right).

To celebrate the arrival of Arcade Mode, Sumo is discounting Snake Pass by 50% on all platforms. The sale runs from now until April 10th on the Switch eShop, Xbox One Store, and Steam. Sumo says news of a similar discount for PS4 owners will come soon.

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