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Sierra's greatest hits are super cheap in the latest Humble Bundle

Includes Space, Police and King's Quest series along with Gabriel Knight.

Sierra is hosting the latest Humble Bundle, offering numerous classic games at a smidgeon of their asking price.

The Humble Sierra Bundle asks players pay at least $1 (about £0.77) to unlock the Space Quest Collection, Police Quest Collection, Phantasmagoria 1 and 2, and Shiftlings.

Offer more than the average - currently at $11.34 (about £8.68) - and you'll also get Gabriel Knight 1, 2 and 3, Quest for Glory 1-5, TimeShift, and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

Pay $15 (about £11.48) or more and you'll also receive the King's Quest Collection (offering KQ 1-7), Caesar 3-4, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved, and Velocity 2X.

At $20 (about £15.30) or more and you'll gain access to King's Quest: The Complete Collection, the still in development episodic series by The Odd Gentlemen. Currently only three of the proposed six episodes have been released, and we found the introductory episode was off to a rousing start.

Normally all of these games would add up to $215. and better yet, some of the proceeds go to charity - in this case The Call of Duty Endowment which helps war veterans get back in the workforce.

How much goes to charity, Sierra, and the Humble Bundle organisers is up to you as there's a sliding scale letting the buyer choose how to divvy up their proceeds.

The Humble Sierra Bundle will be available through 13th September at 7pm UK time.

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