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Sega announces new mobile Total War Battles series

Built by new Creative Assembly Digital team.

Superb PC strategy series Total War is being recreated for mobile platforms in a new series called Total War Battles, Sega has announced.

A new team within Creative Assembly, the Total War Digital team, will build the games using the renowned Unity engine.

The team's been hard at work prototyping for the last 12 months.

Specific Total War Battles platforms and game details weren't mentioned by Sega. We presume iPad will be a strong contender, as will iPhone.

"This isn't the traditional Total War you might expect," commented lead designer Renaud Charpentier.

"We are working on a title that is specifically tailored to the play styles and control methods of mobile platforms. We want to deliver a game that plays to the strengths of handheld RTS mechanics, and perfectly adapts to a host of different platforms.

Don't expect it to be like this on mobile platforms.

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