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Screencheat is coming to PS4 in Q3

Splitscreen FPS multiplayer where everyone is invisible.

Screencheat, the splitscreen multiplayer FPS in which you need to look at your invisible opponents' screens in order to determine their location, is coming to PS4 in Q3.

It sounds tough, but developer Samurai Punk uses lots of visual tells to help players triangulate their enemies' positions. For example, the game's 10 maps are divided into colour-coded quadrants so you can quickly get a feel for where the other players are. "Weapons give off trails and visual tells which also reveal your position, so if your enemy misses, you get an easy shot at revenge," explained Samurai Punk's Nicholas McDonnell on the PlayStation Blog.

Screencheat's weapons are indeed rather bizarre. One of which is a rocket-propelled yo-yo mace, while another is a toy horse you can ride while brandishing a sword. All weapons are one-hit kills.

The game will include nine different modes ranging from standard deathmatch to the "Cluedo-like Murder Mystery".

Screencheat will support two-to-eight player multiplayer with options for both local and online play. Or you can mix and match it with some folks in your living room and others online. Of course, online players' screens will still be represented in splitscreen, just as if they were local. Otherwise the game wouldn't make sense.

Screencheat is already out on PC, Mac and Linux via Steam, where it costs £10.99.

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