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Sam & Max arrive on Steam

Telltale detects new audience.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Telltale Games' episodic Sam & Max series has sprung up on Steam.

It's been available in its entirety on Telltale Games' online store for a while now, but the Steam packages give you another way to grab it if you've thus far abstained.

Steam also offers new bundles. In addition to offering the individual episodes at USD 8.95 apiece (in line with Telltale's own pricing), you can now buy episodes 1-3 and 4-6 as USD 19.95 packages.

"Digital distribution is clearly a core component of our business and we're really impressed by Valve's approach to the market," says Telltale CEO Dan Connors.

"The Steam folks have a great understanding of how robust online channels can bring new value added content, product expansions and serialized episodes to keep audiences regularly engaged."

And Telltale isn't the only company who thinks this judging by last week's additions of The Movies and The Movies: Stunts & Effects (as well as a Movies Complete Pack), and Trackmania United to Valve's content delivery network.

You can browse for those on the Steam website or fire up your client to find them.

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