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Rolando 3 won't appear until it's free

In line with ngmoco's new freemium plan.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

ngmoco boss Neil Young has said that Rolando 3 won't appear until the company can make it work as a free-to-play game.

"Rolando 2 was right at the point where we decided, 'You know what? We're moving this business to freemium.' So I think none of us were really particularly delighted with the sales performance of Rolando 2," Young told IGN.

The game did "fine", he said, just not "gangbusters".

"When we made the decision to go free-to-play, we said to ourselves, 'Look. If we can't make the game free-to-play, we're not going to release it.' And Rolando 3 as it was envisioned at that time was not a free-to-play product.

"So we've just taken the time to try to figure out how to do that franchise really effectively in free-to-play space," he explained.

The original Rolando was a quite lovely, 8/10-scoring puzzle platformer for the iPhone that combined excellent controls with entertaining challenges and decent length.

The sequel did equally well at review, as we concluded it was a "stronger, more robust game than its forebear". STRONG.

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